June evening reflections

It’s a quiet Friday evening with the kids all gone to a ball game and Dan out checking his heifers. The sun is still high in the sky at 10:00 and I’m on the porch drinking iced tea. I haven’t been updating a lot on social media lately and I can’t really explain why.

Just not feeling it, I guess.
It’s such a noisy place and I don’t know what to add. Plus, life is pretty ordinary lately.

(Excuse me while I go yell at the cat for being in the flower bed.)

Tonight Alec brushed our two shedding dogs and got a big bag of hair.

On Thursday, one of the girls at work prayed so earnestly about the Oilers winning the Stanley Cup in morning prayer that I just couldn’t help but open my eyes and peek at her motions as she intreated the Lord on their behalf. I won’t name any names.😄But it was a great prayer.

Today Natalia made some extremely dangerous browned butter espresso chocolate chip cookies. So much butter=so much goodness.

There are a lot of bees buzzing tonight, and my little hummingbird came for his evening drink.  There’s a bit of a breeze and I feel perfectly content.

This year’s spring pea weeding was done to the sound of old books on Audible, one of them being Vinette by Charlotte Brontë. I am unspeakably grateful to enjoy books again. There were so many years when I didn’t read. Some of them were when I felt too busy with little people and some of them were when I couldn’t concentrate because of my mental health. Life is so much richer with good literature. It satisfies something deep inside me that I can’t even describe.

I was looking for ankle stretches before I went for a walk the other day and saw a video that offered stretching exercises for people 50+. I was just passing over it when I realized it was for people like me. Weirdest thing ever to fit into that category.

If it wasn’t for the ghastly number I saw on the scales last week, I’d be happy in this place. I mean, I’m happy anyway. But I miss my pretty old dresses and I miss not feeling guilty about eating 3 cookies. I’m not concerned about being thin, but I want to be healthy and fit so I can play with my grandbabies (if they come someday) and hike to the rim rocks near our place and ride bike to the T without having a heart attack and climb Mayan ruins in Central America and maybe even small mountains in Alaska since Dan wants to go there.

Anyway. That’s enough public reflection for one night. May the Oilers win and the tomato plants get over their setback and the chickweed and thistles die a gory death and the people on the street find a safe home and the children be loved and cared for and the rain fall soft on our fields and the peonies explode and the followers of Jesus truly act like Him.

Happy summer, dear ones.

4 thoughts on “June evening reflections

  1. Happy summer to you too! This post made me happy and I’m not even sure exactly why.

    i think we got almost the last of the wool off our dog! Every time we plucked it, it looked like someone had sheared a sheep. I told Darrell we could probably spin the stuff!

    i don’t know the Oilers but may they win!

    i will be 51 this year. And I too am feeling better than I have in a long time, maybe my whole life. I loved your list of wants. It felt spunky and hopeful.

    Thank you for posting, and I love you even when you don’t feel like writing.

    May your days have many joy bubbles and sunshine and flowers and good companions.

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