We wait

I so admire people who are waiting with grace.

Our friends in Haiti are waiting for adoption papers.
I meet people at work every week who are waiting on housing or to get their kids back from social services.
Some of us are waiting to hear from God after what feels like years of silence.
The Jews waited for centuries on the Messiah. CENTURIES of blood sacrifice and trying to obey the Law. (I’m reading Leviticus.)
Our son is waiting for the perfect puppy.
We wait and pray for God to work in the hearts of those we love. Or for them to respond to His work.
When His followers said goodbye to Jesus, a lot of them thought they’d have to wait till the resurrection of all people to see Him again.

I’m not a patient waiter. I want to talk things out, figure out solutions, and get problems behind me. Dan has taught me a lot about waiting and sometimes it drives me to tears that I have to wait yet again on an answer or clarity or the assurance that we should move forward.

And the hardest part of all? Waiting when you know there will be no answers this side of heaven.

My prayer is that we could live in joyful and peaceful expectation, willing to move, but also willing to wait. Ugh it’s hard.

This is a light and momentary wait…
But one thing I’m so excited about is a new body. Straight white teeth. Thick, gorgeous curls. No need for medication or supplements or gruelling exercise. No aching shoulders. No heel blisters from boots that aren’t quite right.

And I can’t wait for “justice to roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”

Or to see Jesus’s face and the scars that saved the world.

I said I can’t wait. But I’ll have to.

What are you longing for and God is saying Wait?

3 thoughts on “We wait

  1. I’m waiting for a healthy body. No more pain. No more relationship struggles. I’m waiting to meet my twins, sweet angel babies.

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